Applying Liquid Metals & Activator
Follow the directions below to mix & apply liquid metals.
The standard consumption for MicroMetals is 5kg for 10m2, one coat. Expected drying time for MicroMetals is 3 hour and there is no limit on how long you can leave it between coats.  The pot life of MicroMetals is 1-3 hours, so it’s best to mix it in batches.
Mix 5kg Metal Powder with 1.5l Metal Resin.
You will need a microcement mixer and a flexible trowel.
Mixing the MicroMetal
You will need 5kg of MicroMetal to complete 1 coats over 10m2.
To mix 1 x 5kg batch, measure 1.5l Metal Resin using a measuring jug.
Pour the Resin into your mixing bucket, and mix in the MicroMetal & mix thoroughly.
Let the mixture rest for a few minutes before applying. Keep a lid on it between coats.
Applying the MicroMetal
Using a Microcement Trowel, work your way out from one corner creating a random edge pattern. Keep trowel movements small and random, avoid long sweeping arches – as these will show through to your final finish.
Use the grain in the liquid metal as your level – if you apply it thicker than the size of the grain, the finish won’t be as strong and will require a lot more sanding. Run the trowel back over each section that you have put down to smooth it out and remove excess product.
Run your finger or a corner trowel along internal corners to push the microcement into the corner and then gently trowel away the excess product.
Applying the Activator
Leave the metal for around an hour before applying the accelerator. The metal doesn’t need to be completely dry, in fact if it is still a bit wet it will oxidise quicker.
Pour the accelerator into a spray bottle and spray it directly onto the metal. You may need to dab the excess off with a sponge to stop runs.
Leave to oxidise. Don’t be in a rush, the longer you leave it, the more it will oxidise.
Once it is completely dry, if you would like it to oxidise more, you can sand the surface gently with a 240 grit sand paper and apply more accelerator.
Neutralise the Activator
Once you are happy with the level of oxidation, spray the surface with water and dab with a sponge to remove the excess water and rust.
Leave to dry, minimum 24 hours.
Applying the Sealer Oxhider
Use a medium pile roller to apply an even coat of Sealer Oxhider to the surface. Leave the Sealer to dry. This should take around 3 hours. Once the 1st coat is dry, apply a second coat and you’re done.