Applying MicroDur Medium with Terrazzo

Follow the directions below to apply the MicroDur Medium with Terrazzo.

The standard consumption for MicroDur Medium with Terrazzo is 10kg for 10m2, one coat.  Expected drying time for MicroDur Medium is 24 hour and there is no limit on how long you can leave it between coats.  The pot life of MicroDur is 1-3 hours, so it’s best to mix it in batches.

Mix 10kg MicroDur Medium with 2.5-3l Water.  And then fold in the Terrazzo Flakes.

You will need a microcement mixer and a flexible trowel.

Mixing the MicroDur Medium with Terrazzo Flakes

You will need 20kg of MicroDur Medium with Terrazzo to complete 1 coats over 10m2.

To mix 1 x 10kg batch, measure 3.0l – 3.5l Water using a measuring jug.

Pour the Water into your mixing bucket, and mix in the Colour for 10kg MicroDur Medium.

Use the Water to rinse out all of the colour from the bottle.

Add 10kg MicroDur and mix thoroughly.

Then add 1kg Terrazzo Flakes to 10kg MicroDur Medium & mix gently on a slow speed.  Take care not to mix too aggressively as this could cause theTerrazzo to break down.

Applying the MicroDur Medium with Terrazzo

Use a Microcement Trowel and hold hold it quite flat to the surface. Don’t put as much pressure on as you did with the base coats to avoid crushing the flakes.

Gently spread the terrazzo across the area so that you have full coverage.

Leave to Dry

Leave the Microcement to dry.  This should take around 24 hours hours.  Drying times do vary depending on temperature and ventilation.